Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Is Globalisation a Force for Good free essay sample

Globalisation is the process by which organisations, start operating on an international scale, or develop an international influence, made possible by communication and increasing improvement in technology. Nike, McDonald, Apple are all obvious examples of globalisation. Other less obvious examples of what globalisation has brought us but we are hardly ever aware of are internet, which a lot of us use as an efficient source of information; TV shows for news and entertainment; cell phones for communication; etc. More trades, more markets, business, more information, jobs and opportunities are promises of a globalised world. But reports and studies have criticised globalisation for recent issues regarding the environment, especially global warming. While some say that globalisation helps countries with modernisation along the Western line and increases opportunities for self-development, others argue that it undermines local traditions and results in loss of biodiversity. Some say globalisation bring overall national process, while others argue it creates and widens spartial inequalities. So, is globalisation a force for good? Opposing perspectives regarding globalisation vary, from how it affects the one’s country’s economy, politics to its impact on the environment, society and cultures. It is true to say that globalisation creates opportunities for new jobs for people, especially in developing countries. Many workers of manufacturing factories for global brands come from rural areas. They leave to industrialised cities in search for jobs to support their life. Statistic shows that Nike alone employs approximately 800,000 workers in its factories, which primarily located in South-East Asia. Global brand like Nike can help to decrease the increasing unemployment rate, which is currently globally a worrying social issue. The question which then arose is that: how do these global companies treat their workers in these countries where protective labour laws are poorly enforced and cheap labour is abundant? Unofficial complaints from workers and labour groups indicate that they are forced to work overtime, more than 7 hours a day, just to earn about $10 per week. In addition, a company with yearly revenue of $8. 7 billion, should be able to pay its worker a more decent wages. Many workers believe that they are being exploited, but have no choices but to continue working. Many think that this is better than having nothing, that they’re lucky since they now have a job. $50 as a monthly income would be sufficient to cover one’s basic needs in countries like Vietnam, China, etc. And supposedly there are more pros than cons for workers in countries where global brands have set up their factories, what about people of more developing countries? Their companies’ factories keep moving when they find a place with cheaper labour. It is obvious that employees have to face insecurity about their future employment. With globalisation expanding and changing, we now confront a challenge of new forms of global political structure to regulate the process. Actions which have been taken to encourage globalisation include removing investment barriers between countries, lowering taxes, loosen labour laws, etc. It can change shape of political power, as it is heavily influencing the economy. De-territorialisation of power by which the power of the state is undermined is an example. Globalisation also considerably affects the welfare regime. Local business has to compete with global brand is a big disadvantage of globalisation. Local tradition and cultures are also endangered by globalisation when traditional dishes are replaced by fast-food meals from KFC, McDonald, or when traditional music, clothing, housing etc. are being transformed into more modern forms. This is why local people may oppose to this idea of globalizing. However, we have to remember that globalisation is what helping us catching up with world, is an opportunities for self-development for every country. We are now able to know and learn about the world newest technology, science, medicine through internet, computers, televisions, newspapers, etc. and adapt and apply them our life and work. Students are able to go overseas and study to help their countries, whether it is their economy or medical health care. Globalisation is not only about money. Oil-rich countries may fall into the category of â€Å"underachievers† because they haven’t been able to convert or invest their wealth into better education and better living conditions. Globalisation working together with more developed countries and adapting their systems is possible helpful  solution. Globalisation also enables us to experience and appreciate other cultures. Environment is a huge aspect of globalisation. China and Seoul (Korea) are perfect examples of how globalisation impacts the environment. The two countries both are facing the challenge of sustainable development. For China case, they have put their aim of increasing production in order to be economically self-sufficient over protecting the environment. Pollution and over-use of resources were considered less important than meeting the need of a rapid increasing population. Forests are tracked down to make space for factories. Deforestation leads to soil erosion, increases the risk of severe floods and loss of rare species. As biodiversity declines, so does human’s health. Industrialisation leads to increase of harmful exhaust gas, contributing to global warming. Seoul (Korea) has been recognised after the Seoul Olympic. Since then the city has been a global site for tourism. Operations of many famous international hotel chains, fast-food restaurants, convenience stores increase. Investment from other countries effectively boosts up the economy. Migration from rural to urban areas in the country increases. Therefore, Seoul soon encountered the problems of over population. Chronic traffic congestion happens every day, primary source of water is polluted with untreated sewage and exhaust fumes haze over the city, blocking the sun. The benefits of globalisation are proved to be highly unevenly distributed. Statistic about distributing of telephone lines show that countries in the richest fifth of the world possess 74% of the number of telephone lines, while the poorest fifth only get about 1.5%. 3 billion people, nearly half of the world population are excluded. These are people who make less than $3/day or aren’t employed by global brands’ companies. They have no wealth, no access to internet and lack of skills to actively participate in this process. With all these problems and benefits brought to us by globalisation, it is clear that our biggest goal now is to ensure that globalisation become a sustainable process and a positive forward force for all, instead of leaving billions behind.

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